msisdn;;An array of values to specify numbers. If an empty array is specified, or if there is a parameter, but the key is not an array, then the parameter is ignored.
originator;string;Sender name.
source_type;string;The message source from where the message came to the platform. Can take one of the following values: api, web, smpp, xml, http, json.
message_type;string;Message type. Can take one of the following values: sms, hlr, viber.
time_sent_from;;Time of sending messages from the platform “from”.
time_sent_to;;Time of sending messages from the platform “to”.
country_name;string;The name of the country for search.
operator_id;;Indication of the country operator, if the Country_name field is present. If an operator without a country is specified, it is ignored.
status;string;The status of the messages to display. Can take one of the following values: Delivered, Rejected, Scheduled, Moderation, Accepted, Sending, Sent, Expired, Failed, Undelivered, Unknown, Read, not-viber-user.
sl_clicks;;It is necessary to consider the number of clicks or not. The field is available only to the clients who have enabled Short URL service.
sl_clicks_comp;string;Comparison operator with the clicks count value. Can take one of the following values: “<”, “>”, “=”. The field is available only to the clients who have enabled Short URL service.
sl_clicks_count;;The value to compare. Upper character limit – 999999. The field is available only to the clients who have enabled Short URL service.