Отправить XML
POST http://api.notificore.ru/xml
Запрашиваемые параметры
Пример запроса
 <? xml version = “1.0” encoding = “utf-8”?> <request>
    <message type = “sms”>
    <text>sms text</text>
    <abonent phone = “380631231233” client_id_sms = “3431” number_sms = “1”/>
    <abonent phone = “380633213211” client_id_sms = “3425” number_sms = “2”/>
    <login value = “login”/>
    <password value = “password”/>
Returns an XML document with a message ID if the request was successful. If the request failed, an error will be returned.
Пример ответа
 <?xml version = “1.0” encoding = “utf-8”?> <response>
    <information number_sms = “1” id_sms = “366” id_turn = “1428476741” parts
    = “1”> send</information>
    <information number_sms = “2” id_sms = “367” id_turn = “1428476741” parts
    = “1”> send </information>