Отправить SMS / 2Way SMS

Метод позволяет отправлять SMS-сообщения.

Поддерживается создание одиночного SMS ("destination": "phone"), массовой рассылки ("destination": "phones") и настраиваемого SMS ("destination": "individual").

Чтобы отправить рассылку, сделайте запрос по этому URL-адресу:

PUT (POST) https://api.notificore.ru/rest/sms/create

Single SMS

Request parameters

Parameter Required Type Description
destination Yes string set to “phone”
originator Yes string sender. String up to 14 characters
body Yes string SMS message text
msisdn Yes string phone number to which the SMS is sent
reference No string SMS external ID. String up to 32 characters containing /a-zA-Z0-9/
validity No integer SMS validity time. The default is 72 hours. Integer from 1 to 72
tariff No integer tariff number. The default is 0. Integer from 0 to 9
2way No bool belonging to 2WAY

Пример запроса



"msisdn": "792501234579",

"reference": "reference_id",

"originator": "sender",

"body":"test sms",

"2way": 1


Response parameters

Parameter Type Description
id integer the message ID, a unique random identifier that is created on the platform when an object is created
reference string SMS external ID
price float SMS price
currency string сurrency in which the SMS price is specified

Если запрос успешен, вы получите ответ:








Bulk SMS campaign

Bulk SMS campaign contains one text for all recipient numbers.

Request parameters

Parameter Required Type Description
destination Yes string set to “phones”
phones Yes array values array
msisdn Yes string phone number to which the SMS is sent
reference No string SMS external ID. String up to 32 characters containing /a-zA-Z0-9/
originator Yes string Sender name. String up to 14 characters
body Yes string SMS message text
validity No integer SMS validity time. The default is 72 hours. Integer from 1 to 72
tariff No integer tariff number. The default is 0. Integer from 0 to 9
2way No bool belonging to 2WAY

Пример запроса




{"msisdn": "792972000001","reference":"12erdgm9"},

{"msisdn": "792972000002","reference":"12erdgn0"}



"body":"test sms",

"validity": 72,



Response parameters

Parameter Type Description
id integer SMS ID
reference string SMS external ID
price float SMS price
currency string сurrency in which the SMS price is specified
task_id integer Campaign ID, which is generated automatically by the system when creating a campaign. The task_id parameter is used to request the status of the entire campaign

Если запрос успешен, вы получите ответ:


















Customized SMS campaign

Request parameters

Parameter Required Type Description
destination Yes string set to “individual”
validity No integer SMS validity time. The default is 72 hours. Integer from 1 to 72
tariff No integer tariff number. The default is 0. Integer from 0 to 9
2way No bool belonging to 2WAY
phones Yes array values array
msisdn Yes string phone number to which the SMS is sent
reference No string SMS external ID. String up to 32 characters containing /a-zA-Z0-9/
originator Yes string Sender name. String up to 14 characters
body Yes string SMS message text

Пример запроса


"validity": 72,






"body":"test sms1",


"reference": "12erdgm9"},


"body":"test sms2",

"msisdn": "79272000002",

"reference": "12erdgn0"}



Response parameters

Parameter Type Description
id integer SMS ID
reference string SMS external ID
price float SMS price
currency string сurrency in which the SMS price is specified
total price float total campaign price.
currency string сurrency in which the campaign price is specified

Если запрос успешен, вы получите ответ:

















