Получение статуса Number Verifier

Этот метод позволяет получить информацию о запросе Number Verifier по идентификатору записи (переданному при создании запроса Number Verifier) или внешнему идентификатору запроса.

Чтобы получить статус Number Verifier, сделайте запрос по следующему URL:

GET https://api.notificore.ru/rest/hlr/{id}

Request parameters

Parameter Required Type Description
id Yes integer A unique random identifier that is generated by the platform. The record ID is passed in the /hlr/create method
reference Yes integer External Number Verifier request ID. String up to 32 characters containing /a-zA-Z0-9/

Чтобы получить статус проверки номера, сделайте запрос по этому URL:

GET https://api.notificore.ru/rest/hlr/reference/{reference}

Response parameters

Parameter Type Description
id integer Internal Number Verifier request ID.
country_name string Country name.
brand string Operator (e.g. “MTS”).
brand_name string Operator name (e.g. “PrJSC”).
reference string External Number Verifier request ID.
msisdn string Phone number for which the Number Verifier request is performed.
network string MCC and MNC numbers (for absent and active statuses).
status string Request status. Possible values: sent, absent, active, unknown, failed.
details string Number Verifier request details (full information is available when the status is active).
imsi string International Mobile Subscriber Identifier (Individual Subscriber Number) associated with each GSM, UMTS or CDMA mobile communication user.
ported boolean Indicator whether the phone is ported or not (1 – ported, 0 – not).
roaming boolean Indicator whether the phone is roaming or not. (1 – roaming, 0 – not).
createdDatetime string Date when the Number Verifier request was created. Display format – Y-m-d H:i:s
statusDatetime string Date and time when the Number verification status was received. (1 – roaming, 0 – not).
currency string The currency of the account, in which the Number Verifier request cost is specified.

Если запрос успешен, вы получите ответ:

    "id": "34298934543",
    "country_name": "Russia",
    "brand": "string",
    "brand_name": "string",
    "reference": "1234567",
    "msisdn": "792932990000",
    "network": "unknown",
    "status": "unknown",
    "details": {
        "imsi": "string",
        "ported": 0,
        "roaming": 0
    "createdDatetime": "2015-08-04T06:50:19+00:00",
    "statusDatetime": "2015-08-04T06:50:19+00:00"