Ошибки 2FA
Ответы на ошибки API:
1.1. Access code expired
1.2. Access code not found
1.3. Authentication canceled status
1.4. Authentication expired
1.5. Authentication failed status
1.6. Authentication invalid status
1.7. Authentication limit with status pending
1.8. Total authentication limit
1.9. Authentication verifying attempts limit
1.10. Authentication not found
1.11. Authentication price not found
1.12. Insufficient funds
1.13. Recipient exists on the stop list
1.14. Authentication channel inactive
1.15. Authentication channel not found
1.16. Template not found
1.17. Default template is not available for deletion
1.18. User has a template with the identical name!
1.19. This action is not available for the account of your type.
1.20. The {code2fa} variable must occur only once in the text
1.21. The variable {code2fa} is required in the text
1.22. The number of requests to create a template is limited to 10. Please wait for the manager approve before making a new request.
{ "errors": [ { "message": "ERROR_MESSAGE_1" } ] }

Ошибки валидации OneAPI:{ "message": "The given data was invalid.", "errors": { "<FIELD_1>": [ "<VALIDATION_ERROR_1>" ], ... "<FIELD_N>": [ "<VALIDATION_ERROR_N>" ] } }

Ошибки интеграции OneAPI с 2FA:
3.1. Raw error 2FA Service response is empty.
3.2. Raw error 2FA Service response has an incorrect content.
3.3. Error 2FA Service response is empty.
3.4. Error 2FA Service response structure is incorrect.
3.5. 2FA Service getting error response error.
3.6. 2FA Service getting successful response error.
3.7. 2FA Service getting response error.
3.8. 2FA Service error.
3.9. 2FA Service getting error response error.
3.10. 2FA Service getting successful response error.
3.11. 2FA Service getting response error.
{ "message": "<ERROR_MESSAGE>", "errors": [ ... ] }